It is important to choose a dance school that is a good fit for your family. We offer smaller class sizes, open concept studios along with friendly, professional instructors. Serving the youth in our community since 1997, we look forward to having you join our dance family!
Click here to learn more about our CORE VALUES and PROFESSIONAL APPROACH.
Who We Are
Our school opened up in 1997 with Stony Plain being our first location. Over the years, we have grown and continue to offer programs in multiple areas. We now serve dancers in Spruce Grove, St. Albert, Edmonton and Legal. We offer in house programs to schools as well.
Service with a smile, energetic classes with friendly instructors and an overall great experience awaits your dancer. We offer programming that is specialized for different ages and levels and our costumes & choreography are always appropriate. Our classes teach discipline, offer a chance to socialize in a fun setting and our attention to detail provides a safe environment for your child. Fun lessons in many genres available. Stop by to see why we are the leading provider for dance training in your area!
Service With a Smile
We know how busy moms and dads are and we do our very best to ensure a stress free environment for you while your children are dancing. Stop by anytime and you will see how relaxed and comfortable our dance families are.
Our staff are always happy to help and will make your year a pleasant one. Calls are returned in a timely manner and even though we get very busy, we are great with the details. This helps to provide a stress free year for all.
We know that you pay hard earned money for your child's extra curricular activities and we work hard to ensure that every day your dancer comes for class, they leave having learned a lot while having fun. Many studios do not teach much to the little dancers. Over the years, we have established a solid preschool program that enables dancers to build a great foundation while still doing what matters the most, HAVING FUN.
We offer programs for different lifestyles/budgets:
ALL DANCERS receive the same training. A once a week dancer gets as much attention and the same syllabus as a competitive dancer.
We offer classes in our professional studio with a specialized dance floor, full mirrors and barres.
Viewing windows or open doors allow you to enjoy the class. (Many studios indicate that it is a distraction to dancers if there is a viewing window. We have instructed thousands of dancers over the years with their parents watching and we are always having so much fun, that we hardly notice you are there. It is not a distraction, by any means, and parents should question an instructor who is not comfortable teaching openly in front of you).
We look forward to working with you and your child. We offer a safe, happy, friendly environment that children grow and flourish in. Our achievements at local festivals come from hard work, honest smiles and learning that dance is so much more than your 3 minutes on stage.
It is a lifetime of confidence, grace and poise and will enable your child to interact with more confidence at school, during interviews and into their adult lives.
Call us with any questions! We're happy to help...
"The balance of fun and discipline is just right. The wonderful instructors really care about the kids
while helping them reach their potential in a fun loving way. Looking forward to another season with all of you. "
Mary Lou P.